Tesla Model Y gets “chrome delete” treatment as a standard offering

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The popular chrome delete treatment has finally made its way as a standard offering in Tesla Model Y.

When the electric carmaker unveiled its new 7-seater compact SUV to the world, Teslarati quickly took notice of Tesla Model Y lacking the same chrome accent trim as standardized across the Model S, Model X and Model 3 fleet. Unlike Model 3 which the vehicle is derived from, Model Y’s door handles, side mirrors, blinkers, pillar trim, and various accents that are ordinarily in chrome are finished in matte black.

Tesla Model Y without chrome trim

Photo: Teslarati

Tesla’s Model Y online configurator confirms the company’s direction to remove all chrome accent pieces from the exterior of the vehicle and have “chrome delete” as a standard offering. At least for now.

While it remains to be seen how this aesthetic change will be received by the greater Tesla community, signs of this cosmetic update first appeared when Tesla’s Chief Designer was spotted with a chrome-deletion treatment on his personal Model 3.

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Having a Tesla void of any chrome is a common look that’s sought after by the aftermarket community, with owners forking out upwards of $1,000 to cover these pieces with black vinyl.

By making this a standard look on the Model Y, Tesla could be gauging the market for a reaction (and demand) before determining if this will be offered as a future upgrade. In other words, if there’s a negative reaction to this standard “chrome delete” offering, Tesla could simply bring back the chrome trim and offer the matte black trim as an additional upgrade. Conversely, the same could be said if there’s a positive reaction to it. With many people warming to the new look, Tesla could offer this as an upgrade package for existing Model 3, Model S and Model X.

A positive reaction will also help guide the team on setting design cues for future vehicles and vehicle updates such as the rumored Model S and Model X refresh.

Here are some before and after photos showing a Model 3 with standard chrome trim and without. What do you prefer? Let us know in the comments!

Tesla Model 3 with standard chrome accents

Tesla Model 3 with a “chrome delete” treatment

Tesla Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen’s Model 3
Credit: Marc Benton

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