First project in European BATTERY 2030+ research initiative begins this month

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The European BATTERY 2030+ initiative launches this month with its initial project which will lay the basis for this large-scale research initiative on future battery technologies. A long-term effort over 10 years with a focus on disruptive technologies, the BATTERY 2030+ initiative will concentrate on low TRL transformational research (TRL 1 to 3).

Battery challenges. Source: BATTERY 2030+.

BATTERY 2030+ complements the short-term initiatives launched in the framework of the European Battery Alliance to develop large-scale manufacturing capacities, and the short-to-medium term research and innovation projects undertaken within the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe work programs.

The Battery 2030+ consortium includes five universities (Uppsala University, Politecnico di Torino, Technical University of Denmark, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Münster); seven research centres (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fundacion Cidetec, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, SINTEF AS); three industry-led associations (EMIRI, EASE, RECHARGE); and one company (Absiskey).

The Battery 2030+ consortium has also received the support of a number of European and national organisations, including ALISTORE ERI, EERA, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT RawMaterials, EARPA, EUROBAT, EGVI, CLEPA, EUCAR, KLIB, RS2E, Swedish Electromobility Centre, PolStorEn, ENEA, CIC energigune, IMEC and Tyndall National Institute.

The BATTERY 2030+ research initiative is coordinated by Kristina Edström, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Uppsala University in Sweden.

With BATTERY 2030+, we address all challenges encountered in the manufacture of high-performance batteries,” the scientist says. “For this purpose, we will establish a platform to more rapidly detect new battery materials by means of machine learning and artificial intelligence. We are particularly interested in the interfaces in batteries, where reactions take place that adversely affect the battery’s service life. We will design smart functions of the complete system down to the battery cell level and pay particular attention to sustainability.

—Professor Edström

Four main research areas have already been defined to address the challenge of developing next-generation batteries, with more areas to follow. The four research areas defined so far are:

  1. Accelerated discovery and design of battery materials and interfaces

  2. Smart sensing and self-healing functionalities

  3. Manufacturability

  4. Recyclability

The proposed research directions are chemistry-neutral, which means that they can potentially be applied to any battery chemistry, creating an impact on both state-of-the-art and future elec­trochemical storage systems.

The research actions will span the entire value chain. For example, if sensors, self-healing chemis­tries, or other smart functionalities are implement­ed, this will influence not only manufacturability and/or recyclability, but also the development of Battery Management System (BMS) operating protocols, hardware and software.

Manufacturability and recyclability are key cross­cutting topics, which will be taken into ac­count from the very beginning of the research program. New battery materials, engineered interfaces and smart battery cell architectures will be developed bearing in mind the manufacturability, scalability, recyclability, and life-cycle environmental footprint of the novel technologies.

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