BMW M5 Shoots Thrust SSC

StoneBridge & K-Syran - Starry Night

BMW M5 Shoots Thrust SSC
BMW M5 E39 Shoots Thrust SSC: A Speed Legend
Get ready to dive into the iconic story of two speed legends: the Thrust SSC and the BMW M5 E39. This video reveals how the fastest saloon car on the planet, the BMW M5 E39, filmed the record-breaking Thrust SSC, which hit an unimaginable top speed of 1300 km/h. Powered by two Rolls-Royce Spey 202 jet engines, the Thrust SSC was no ordinary car, and it needed an extraordinary machine to capture its speed. Enter the BMW M5 E39, proving why it was dubbed “The fastest saloon car on the planet.” Learn about this historic moment and why BMW’s 2001 ad shook the automotive world. Don’t miss this thrilling story for car enthusiasts!
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